User Modes

Mode Description Permissions Notes
B Marks you as being a bot on the network and will add a line in your WHOIS to show you're a bot. Anyone If you're running a bot or any scripted response clients PLEASE set this user mode on them.
D Only receive private messages and notices from GTAXLnet Staff and Services. Anyone This is useful if you prefer not to receive PM's from people or if we're undergoing an attack as a security protection for our users.
d Don't receive messages in ANY channel unless they are prefixed with a exclamation mark. This is useful to prevent bots from receiving un-necessary IRC traffic, saving bandwidth. Anyone We do NOT recommend you set this user mode unless you know what you're doing and if absolute necessary.
H Hides the fact that you're GTAXLnet Staff to other users. If a user does a WHOIS on you, you'll appear as a normal user. Staff Please DON'T use this mode, we want people to know who staff are.
I Hides how long you've been connected or idled on GTAXLnet in a WHOIS query. Staff That's a capital i.
i Hides you from the /WHO list if said user querying isn't in any channels with you. Anyone Do not remove this user mode from yourself, there is no logical reason to do so.
o This flag is set when you have successfully authenticated as GTAXLnet Staff. Staff Just a flag that is set to indicate you are staff. You have no control over this flag.
p Hides the list of channels you're in from WHOIS. If said user doing a WHOIS resides in a channel or channels with you, only those channels will appear in a WHOIS. Anyone This is set on our users by default, we recommend you keep this user mode set for your privacy. There is no logical reason to remove it, unless you are fine with anyone seeing all the channels you're in.
R Only receive private messages and notices from users that are registered and logged in. Anyone We set this user mode by default to prevent abuse and spam to our clients. It's recommended to keep it set, but if you wish to receive PM's or notices from un-registered users, then remove the user mode.
r This user mode is set when you successfully authenticate to GTAXLnet Services. It allows others to see that you are registered and logged in. Set when authenticated Just a flag that is set to indicate you are registered and logged in. You have no control over this flag. You may also join +R channels.
S Indicates said nick is a GTAXLnet Services bot. Services Just a flag to indicate if a nick is a part of GTAXLnet Services.
s Flag to enable snomasks, aka server notice masks. Staff You will specify this mode along with the proper notice flags you'd wish to receive. Ex. /MODE nick +s +cF would indicate receive server notices regarding local connects and far connects.
T Don't receive CTCP requests such as VERSION and PING. Anyone We set this user mode by default to protect our clients. With it off, people with malicious intent can view what IRC client you use along with what version and can also issue CTCP Ping floods. We highly recommend you keep this mode on. Please note: You will still receive 1 CTCP VERSION request from our statistics bot on connect, named STATS.
t Indicates said nick has a vhost. If you have this user mode set, then you are currently using a virtual host. Services Just a flag to indicate the use of a vHost.
W Notifies you when someone does a WHOIS on you. Staff If you are staff and want to be notified when someone does a WHOIS on you, set this user mode. You will see a notice in the server window like such: *** bob ( did a /whois on you.
w Accept wallops (global messages) from GTAXLnet Staff. Anyone Set this user mode if you want to receive notifications from GTAXLnet Staff in the event we have maintenance or other newsworthy information.
x Cloaks your rDNS/PTR record or IP address using a special and secure algorithm to prevent users from finding your real IP address. Anyone This is set by default on ALL our users for their protection and privacy. If your PTR is for example: anyone can throw that into a resolver and get your IP address. Also in many ISP PTR formats, your IP address is contained, usually with dashes, within the PTR record. We cloak this so only GTAXLnet Staff can view your IP address. The cloaked address with be prefixed with GNHOST-. So my PTR would look like this, We cloak the first set of your PTR, which is the most critical. If you unset this mode, you agree to expose your real PTR or IP address to everyone. You may also request a vHost to completely customize your hostname.
Z Only accept private messages and notices from people that are connected via SSL/TLS Anyone that's connected via SSL/TLS You can only set this user mode if you, yourself are connected via SSL/TLS. If you are concerned about security and privacy, we recommend you set this user mode so you talk to other people via PM securely.
z Indicates that you're connected to GTAXLnet using SSL/TLS Anyone You cannot alter this user mode, if you want to have user mode z, connect to GTAXLnet using SSL/TLS on port 6697. If you have this flag it indicates you are connected securely. You may also join +Z channels.